- /Sermons-2017/01-January/
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110201207 01-01-17 AM - A Greater Vision - Pastor Michael Jones.mp3
92471378 01-04-17 WED - Have Mercy - Pastor Michael Jones.mp3
106036244 01-08-17 AM - The Makeup of a Good Sermon - Pastor Michael Jones.mp3
98733452 01-08-17 PM - Too Smart for Your Own Good - Pastor Michael Jones.mp3
94302040 01-11-17 WED - Did You See That - Pastor Michael Jones.mp3
99673860 01-15-17 AM - The Value of a Life - Pastor Michael Jones.mp3
115918888 01-15-17 PM - Man to Man Advice - Brother Doug Gross.mp3
109677713 01-18-17 WED - Peacemaker, Make Me Some Peace - Pastor Michael Jones.mp3
101116864 01-22-17 AM - Dealing with Difficult Times - Pastor Michael Jones.mp3
100939231 01-22-17 PM - A Piece of Advice - Pastor Michael Jones.mp3
102857664 01-29-17 AM - How Are You Feeling - Pastor Michael Jones.mp3
105249435 01-29-17 PM - Reading the Bible - Pastor Michael Jones.mp3
42201216 January 1, 2017 PM - Vision Part 2 - Pastor Michael Jones.mp3
111375672 January 25, 2017 WED - Pastor Michael Jones.mp3